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6. Jordan (27.4.-1.5.2011)


Jordan Route

Jordan Route

The Kingdom of Jordan is probably the most organized but also the most expensive on my way through the Middle East down south. One of the major incomes of it’s economy is foreign aid and tourism. King Abdullah the head of the constitutional monarchy got educated in Oxford and some people say he does speak better English to  Arabic. He is known as being very liberal and western orientated and even appeared in one Star Trek episode as an extra. His Arab neighbors are not overwhelmingly happy with him since they claim him to be too friendly with Israel and the United States. From the later, Jordan receives 1 Billion US $ per annum for their friendship?! Jordan is a small country with just 6, 5 Million people, so crossing it on bus from north to south to the Gulf of Aqaba (from where you catch the rather expensive ferry to Egypt) will take just 6 hours and costs around 12 €.


The Death Sea, the lowest point on earth!

The Death Sea, the lowest point on earth!

Jordan with the Death Sea, the famous desert landscape of Wadi Rum and Petra the famous abandoned city of the Nabataeans has quite some sights to offer. Jordan is a good example when milking tourists becomes a passion and an important recourse of income. The recognized UNESCO world heritage Petra set’s you back with the at least 75 $, and dipping your toe into the Death Sea will cost 15 $! Visa on arrival is straightforward and costs for all nationals (even Israelis) 30 $. A room will cost around 30 $, while food is reasonably priced. After 4 days I escaped to cheaper Egypt…

Petra Khazne al-Firaun

Petra Khazne al-Firaun







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