Kommentare 1

26. funny pictures…and other stuff from the road

elder hobo likes fashion, seen on Lao - Thai border

elder hobo likes fashion, seen on Lao - Thai border



me and Terry the Kiwi having a mushroom shake in Vang Vieng

me and Terry the Kiwi having a mushroom shake in Vang Vieng

carp with banana

carp with banana

'Thai Gast' vor Brandenburger Tor. Wir tun alles damit ihr Gast eine gute Reise hat...

'Thai Gast' vor Brandenburger Tor. Wir tun alles damit ihr Gast eine gute Reise hat...

naturale felsformation...

naturale felsformation...

1 Kommentar

  1. Terry T sagt:

    Yes that is truly avant-garde hobo wear circa 2007. That made me laugh that picture of the magic mushroom buzz! Yes I will try to make the rendevouz at Sharkies on the 5/10/09: bye for now – Terry.

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